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Heremit Songs op. 29

3. Saint lta's vision


"I will take nothing from my Lord," said she,
"unless He gives me His Son from Heaven
In the form of a Baby that I may nurse Him".
So that Christ came down to her
in the form of a Baby and then she said:
"Infant Jesus, at my breast,
Nothing in this world is true
Save, 0 tiny nursling, You.
Infant Jesus at my breast,
By my heart every night,
You I nurse are not a churl
But were begot on Mary the Jewess
By Heaven's light.
Infant Jesus at my breast,
What King is there but You who could
Give everlasting good?
Wherefore I give my food.
Sing to Him, maidens, sing your best!
There is none that has such right
To your song as Heaven's King
Who every night
Is Infant Jesus at my breast".


Visioen van St. Ita


"Ik zal niets nemen van mijn Heer, 'zei ze,
"tenzij Hij mij Zijn Zoon van de Hemel geeft
in de gedaante van een Baby zodat ik Hem kan verzorgen ".
Als zodanig kwam Christus naar haar toe,
in de gedaante van een Baby en toen zei ze:
"Kindeke Jezus, aan mijn borst,
niets op deze wereld is waarheid
behalve u, o kleine zuigeling.
[ . . . ]

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