
Into thy hands

Tekst: St Edmund of Abingdon

"Into thy hands, O Lord and Father,
we commend our souls and our bodies,
our parents and our homes,
friends and kindred. Into thy hands,
O Lord and Father,
we commend our benefactors and brethren departed.
Into thy hands, O Lord and Father,
we commend all thy people faithfully believing,
and all who need thy pity and protection.
Enlighten us with thy holy grace
and suffer us never more to be separated from thee.


Lord Jesus Christ,
mercifully grant to me that the rest of my pilgrimage
may be directed according to thy will,
that the rest of my life may be completed in thee
and my soul may deserve to enjoy thee
who art eternal life for ever."



In Uw handen


"In uw handen, o Heer en Vader,
bevelen wij onze ziel en ons lichaam,
onze ouders en naasten,
onze vrienden en familie. In uw handen,
O Heer en Vader,
bevelen wij onze verscheiden weldoeners en broeders.
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