
Vast Ocean of Light

Tekst: Phineas Fletcher

Vast Ocean of Light, whose rays surround
The Universe, who know’st nor ebb, nor shore,
Who lend’st the Sun his sparkling drop, to store
With overflowing beams Heav’n, air, ground,
Whose depths beneath the Centre none can sound,
Whose heights ‘bove Heav’n, and thoughts so lofty soar,
Whose breadth no feet, no lines, no chaines, no eyes survey,
Whose length no thoughts can reach, no worlds can bound,
What cloud can mask thy face? where can thy ray
Find an Eclipse? What night can hide Eternal Day?


Immense Oceaan van Licht


Immense Oceaan van Licht, wiens stralen
het heelal omgeven, die eb noch kust kent,
die de Zon zijn flonkerende parel verleent, om in
een overvloed van stralen Hemel, lucht, land te bergen,
wiens diepten onder het Middelpunt niemand kan peilen,

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