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Long Road

Tekst: Paulïne Bärda

I love you night and day
As a star in the distant sky.
And I mourn for this one thing alone
That to love, our lifetime was so short.
A long road to heaven’s shining meadow
And never could I reach its end.
But a longer road leads to your heart
Which to me seems distant as a star.
High above the arch of heaven bends
And light so clear is falling.
Like a flow’ring tree the world is blooming.
Overwhelmed, my heart both cries and laughs.


Een lange weg


Ik hou dag en nacht van je
Als een ster in de verre hemel.
En ik rouw alleen om het feit
Dat om lief te hebben ons leven zo kort is geweest.
[ . . . ]

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