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Ode For The Birthday Of Queen Anne


Tekst: Ambrose Philips

1. ARIOSO (Alto)
Eternal source of light divine
with double warmth thy beams display,
and with distinguish'd glory shine,
to add a lustre to this day.

2. ARIA (Alto) & CHORUS
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

3. ARIA (Soprano) & CHORUS
Let all the winged race with joy
their wonted homage sweetly pay,
whilst tow'ring in the azure sky
they celebrate this happy day:
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

4. ARIA (Tenor) & CHORUS / ARIA (Soprano-Alto Duet) & CHORUS
Let flocks and herds their fear forget
lions and wolves refuse their prey
and all in friendly consort meet,
made glad by this propitious day.
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

5. DUET (Alto & Bass) & CHORUS
Let rolling streams their gladness show
with gentle murmurs whilst they play,
and in their wild meanders flow,
rejoicing in this blessed day.
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

6. DUET (Soprano & Alto) & CHORUS
Kind health descends on downy wings;
angels conduct her on the way.
T'our glorious Queen new life she brings,
and swells our joys upon this day.

7. DUET (Soprano & Alto) & CHORUS
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

8. ARIA (Bass) & CHORUS
Let envy then conceal her head,
and blasted faction glide away.
No more her hissing tongues we'll dread,
secure in this auspicious day.
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.

9. ARIA (Alto) & CHORUS
United nations shall combine,
to distant climes the sound convey
that Anna's actions are divine,
and this the most important day!
The day that gave great Anna birth
who fix'd a lasting peace on earth.




1. ARIOSO (Countertenor)
Eeuwige bron van goddelijk licht,
etaleer met tweevoudige warmte Uw stralen
en schijn met grootse glorie,
mm deze dag luister bij te zetten.

2. ARIA (Countertenor) & Koor
De dag waarop de verheven Anna werd geboren
die zorgde voor een blijvende vrede op aarde.

3. ARIA (Sopraan) & Koor
Laat alle engelen zich vreugdevol haasten
en zoet hun gebruikelijke eerbetoon brengen,
terwijl zij hoog oprijzend in de blauwe hemel
deze gelukkige dag vieren:
de dag waarop de verheven Anna werd geboren
die een zorgde voor een blijvende vrede op aarde.

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