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Remember not, O Lord God


Remember not, O Lord God,
our old iniquities,
but let thy mercy speed’ly prevent us,
for we be very miserable.
Help us, God our Saviour, and,
for the glory of thy name, deliver us.
Be merciful and forgive our sins,
for thy name’s sake.
Let not the wicked people say,
“Where is their God?”
We be thy people,
and the sheep of thy pasture.
We shall give thanks unto thee for ever.
From age to age we shall set forth
thy laud and praise.
To thee be honour and glory,
world without end. Amen.


Vergeet, o Heere God


Vergeet, o Heere God,
ons oude kwaad,
maar laat Uw genade ons snel tegenhouden,
want wij zijn zeer ellendig.
Help ons, God, onze Zaligmaker, en,
voor de glorie van uw naam, verlos ons.
Wees barmhartig en vergeef onze zonden,
omwille van uw naam.

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