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My song shall be alway

Tekst: naar de Bijbel

My song shall be alway of the loving-kindness of the Lord :
with my mouth will I ever be shewing forth thy truth from one generation to another.


O Lord, the very heavens shall praise thy wondrous works :
and thy truth in the congregation of the saints.


For who is he among the clouds : that shall be compared unto the Lord?
And what is he among the gods : that shall be like unto the Lord?


God is very greatly to be feared in the council of the saints :
and to be had in reverence of all them that are round about him



Psalm 89


Ik zal de blijken van goedertierenheid van de Heere eeuwig bezingen
van generatie op generatie Uw trouw met mijn mond bekendmaken.


Daarom looft de hemel Uw wonderen, Heere,
ja, prijst men Uw trouw in de gemeente van de heiligen.


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