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Ode to St. Cecilia, Z. 328

7. With that sublime celestial lay

Tekst: Nicholas Brady

With that sublime Celestial Lay
Can any Earthly Sounds compare?
If any Earthly Music dare,
The noble Organ may.
From Heav'n its wondrous Notes were giv'n,
(Cecilia oft convers'd with Heaven,)
Some Angel of the Sacred Choire
Did with his Breath the Pipes inspire;
And of their Notes above the just Resemblance gave,
Brisk without Lightness, without Dulness Grave.


Met die sublieme hemelse ballade


Kunnen aardse klanken zich meten
met die sublieme Hemelse ballade?
Als enig aardse muziek het vermag,
dan misschien het edele orgel.


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