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A Sea Symphony

III. (Scherzo) The Waves

Tekst: Walt Whitman

Book XIX: Sea-Drift: After the Sea-Ship

After the sea-ship, after the whistling winds,
After the white-gray sails taut to their spars and ropes,
Below, a myriad, myriad waves hastening, lifting up their necks,
Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship,
Waves of the ocean bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying,
Waves, undulating waves, liquid, uneven, emulous waves,
Toward that whirling current, laughing and buoyant, with curves,
Where the great vessel sailing and tacking displaced the surface,
Larger and smaller waves in the spread of the ocean yearnfully flowing,
The wake of the sea-ship after she passes, flashing and frolicsome under the sun,
A motley procession with many a fleck of foam and many fragments,
Following the stately and rapid ship, in the wake following.


III. (Scherzo) De golven


Boek XIX: Zeegang: achter het zeeschip

Achter het zeeschip, achter de fluitende wind,
achter de wit-grijze zeilen strak aan hun ra’s en touwen,
haasten zich beneden ontelbare, ontelbare golven, hun nek opheffend,
geneigd in een onophoudelijke stroom het spoor van het schip te volgen,

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