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Across the vast, eternal sky

Tekst: Charles Anthony Silvestri

Sunlight shines on my face;
This is my grace, to be
Restored, born again,
In flame.

When I was young I flew in the velvet night;
Shining by day, a firebird bathed in light!
Grey now my feathers, which once were red and gold;
My destiny to soar up to the sun.

Sunlight shines on my face;
This is my grace, to be
Restored, born again,
In flame.

Do not despair that I am gone away;
I will appear again
When the sunset paints
Flames across the vast, eternal sky.



Aan de uitgestrekte, eeuwige hemel


Zonlicht schijnt op mijn gezicht;
dit is mijn genade, om te zijn
hernieuwd, wedergeboren,
in schoonheid.
Toen ik jong was vloog ik in de fluwelen nacht;
overdag baadde een vuurvogel stralend in het licht!
[ . . . ]

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I.M. Karel