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Mid–Winter Songs

Mid-Winter Waking

Tekst: Robert Graves

Stirring suddenly from long hibernation
I knew myself once more a poet
Guarded by timeless principalities
Against the worm of death, this hillside haunting;
And presently dared open both my eyes.
O gracious lofty, shone against from under,
Back-of-the-mind-far clouds like towers;
And you, sudden warm airs that blow
Before the expected season of new blossom,
While sheep still gnaw at roots and lambless go—
Be witness that on waking, this mid-winter,
I found her hand in mine laid closely
Who shall watch out of the Spring with me.
We stared silence all around us
But found no winter anywhere to see.


Ontwaken in midwinter


Plotseling gewekt uit lange winterslaap
wist ik weer dat ik een dichter ben
bewaakt door tijdloze vorstendommen
tegen de worm van de dood, die op deze helling spookt;
en gauw durfde ik beide ogen te openen.
[ . . . ]

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