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Seek not to know

Tekst: John Dryden

God of dreams:
Seek not to know what must not be reveal'd,
 Joys only flow when fate is most conceal'd.
 Too busy man would find his sorrows more
 If future fortunes he should know before;


 For by that knowledge of his destiny
He would not live at all but always die.
Enquire not then who shall from bonds be freed,
Who'tis shall wear a crown and who shall bleed.


 All must submit to their appointed doom,
Fate and misfortune will too quickly come.
Let me no more with powerful charms be press'd
I am forbid by fate to tell the rest.



Tracht niet te ontdekken


God van dromen:
  Tracht niet te ontdekken wat niet mag worden onthuld,
  vreugden stromen alleen wanneer het lot verborgen ligt.
  De mens die zich ermee beijvert ziet zijn verdriet toenemen
  als het toekomstige lot op voorhand bekend zou zijn;

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