Thou wakeful shepherd, that does Israel keep,
Rais'd by thy goodness from the bed of sleep,
To thee I offer up this hymn
As my best morning sacrifice;
May it be gracious in thine eyes
To raise me from the bed of sin.
And do I live to see another day?
I vow, my God, henceforth to walk thy ways,
And sing thy praise
All those few days
Thou shalt allow.
Could I redeem the time I have misspent
In sinful merriment,
Could I untread
Those paths I led,
I would so expiate each past offence
That ev'n from thence
The Innocent should wish themselves like me
When with such crimes they such repentance see.
With joy I'd sing away my breath,
Yet who can die so to receive his death?
Gij waakzame herder, die Israel behoedt,
door uw goedheid gewekt uit het bed van slaap,
bied ik u deze hymne
als mijn beste ochtendoffer;
Moge het genade vinden in uw ogen,
mij verheffen uit het bed van zonde.
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