First Booke of Songes, 1597

Who ever thinks or hopes of love

Tekst: Fulke Grenville Brooke

Who ever thinks or hopes of love for love:
Or who, belov'd, in Cupid's laws doth glory:
Who joys in vows, or vows not to remove:
Who by this light god hath not been made sorry:
Let him see me eclipsed from my sun
With dark clouds of an earth quite overrun.


Who thinks that sorrows felt, desires hidden,
Or humble faith in constant honour armed
Can keep love from the fruit that is forbidd'n,
Who thinks that change is by entreaty charmed,
Looking on me let him know love's delights
Are treasures hid in cave but kept by sprites.



Wie hoopt op liefde


Wie hoopt op liefde omwille van de liefde, of zulks verwacht:
Of wie, bemind, binnen de wetten van Cupido goed gedijt:
Wie blij wordt van geloften, ofwel geloften niet ontkracht:
Wie door die luchtige god nooit verdriet wordt bereid:
Die moet mij eens zien, hoe mijn zon is verduisterd
Hoe de aarde totaal in donkere wolken ligt gekluisterd.


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