
Tekst en muziek

Robert Dowland's Musical Banquet [verschillende componisten]

no. ?. In darkness let me dwell, gecomponeerd door John Dowland

no. ?. To plead my faith, gecomponeerd door Daniel Bachelar (Tekst: Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex)

no. ?. Change thy mind since she doth change, gecomponeerd door Richard Martin (Tekst: Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex)

Liederen in alfabetische volgorde

An heart that's broken and contrite

A shepherd in a shade (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

All ye whom Love or Fortune hath betrayed

Awake, sweet love

Away with these selfe loving lads

Behold a wonder here (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

Burst forth, my tears

By a fountain where I lay (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

Can she excuse my wrongs

Clear or cloudy

Come again: sweet love doth now invite

Come away, come sweet love (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Come, heavy Sleep

Come Holy Ghost, Creator, come

Daphne was not so chaste as she was changing

Dear, if you change (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Disdain me still

Farewell too faire

Farewell unkind

Far from triumphing court

Fie on this feigning

Fine knacks for ladies (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

Flow, my tears

Flow not so fast, ye fountains (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

From Fame's desire (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

Go crystal tears (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Go nightly cares (in A Pilgrimes Solace)

His golden locks Time hath to silver turned

Humour, say what mak'st thou here

If my complaints could passions move

If that a sinner's sighs

In darkness let me dwell (in Robert Dowland's Musical Banquet)

I saw my lady weep (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

I shame at mine unworthiness

It was a time when silly bees could speak

Lady, if you so spite me

Lasso vita mia

Love those beams

Me, me and none but me

Mourn, Day is with darkness fled

My heart and tongue were twins

My thoughts are wing'd with hopes (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Now cease my wand'ring eyes

Now, oh now I needs must part

O sweet woods

O what hath overwrought

Rest awhile, you cruel cares

Say, love, if ever thou didst find

Shall I strive with words to move

Shall I sue?

Sleep, wayward thoughts

Sorrow stay

Sweet, stay awhile

Tell me, true Love

The lowest trees have tops (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

Think'st thou then by thy feigning

Time's eldest son, Old Age

Time stands still (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

To ask for all thy love

To plead my faith

Toss not my soul, O Love (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

Unquiet thoughts (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Weep you no more, sad fountains (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

Were every thought an eye

What if I never speed?

What poor astronomers are they (in The Third and Last Book of Songs or Airs)

When Phoebus first did Daphne love

Where sin sore wounding

White as lilies was her face (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)

Who ever thinks or hopes of love

Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me? (in First Book of Songs or Airs)

Woeful heart, with grief oppressèd! (in Second Book of Songs or Airs)