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Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline


Tekst: naar de Bijbel



The ways of Zion do mourn and she is in bitterness. (Lamentations 1:4); all her people sigh (Lamentations 1:11) and hang down their heads to the ground (Lamentations 2:10).


How are the mighty fall’n (Samuel 2, 1:19). She that was great among the nations and princess of the provinces! (Lamentations 1:1).


She put on righteousness and it clothed her; her judgment was a robe and a diadem (Job 29:14).

Soli & Chorus:

When the ear heard her, then it blessed her, and when the eye saw her, it gave witness of her (Job 29:11).


How are the mighty fall’n (Samuel 2, 1:19). She that was great, great among the nations, and princess of the provinces! (Lamentations 1:1)


She delivered the poor that cried, the fatherless and him that had none to help him (Job 29:12). Kindness, meekness and comfort were her tongue (Sirach 36:23); if there was any virtue, and if there was any praise, she thought on those things (Philippians 4:8).


How are the mighty fall’n (Samuel 2, 1:19). She that was great, great among the nations, and princess of the provinces! (Lamentations 1:1)

Soli & Chorus:

The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance (Psalms 112:6) and the wise will shine as the brightness of the firmament (Daniel 12:3).


Their bodies are buried in peace;
but their name liveth evermore  (Sirach 44:13).


The people will tell of their wisdom and the congregation will shew forth their praise (Sirach 44:14); their reward also is with the Lord and the care of them is with the Most high (Wisdom of Solomon 5:15).







De wegen naar Sion treuren, en zij zelve is in bitterheid. (Klaagliederen 1:4); Heel haar volk zucht, (Klaagliederen 1:11) en buigt het hoofd ter aarde (Klaagliederen 2:10).


Hoe zijn de helden gevallen (Samuel 2, 1:19). Zij, die groot was onder de volken, een vorstin van gewesten. (Klaagliederen 1:1).


Zij kleedde zich in gerechtigheid, en deze kleedde haar; het recht was haar een mantel en een tulband (Job 29:14).

Solisten & Koor:

Ieder die haar hoorde prees haar woorden; ieder die haar zag had niets dan lof (Job 29:11).

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