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Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols

no. 1. Angelus ad virginem (Tekst: 14de eeuw)

no. 2. A virgin most pure

no. 3. Personent hodie (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

no. 4. There is no rose (Tekst: 15de eeuw)

no. 5. Coventry carol

no. 6. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Tekst: Volkslieder )

Five Childhood Lyrics

no. 1. Monday's child (Tekst: Volkslieder )

no. 2. The Owl and the Pussycat (Tekst: Edward Lear)

no. 3. Windy nights (Tekst: Robert Louis Stevenson)

no. 4. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Tekst: Volkslieder )

no. 5. Sing a song of sixpence (Tekst: Volkslieder )

Titels op alfabetische volgorde

A Clare Benediction (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

A Gaelic Blessing

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Angels' Carol

Angelus ad virginem (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols) (Tekst: 14de eeuw)

A virgin most pure (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols)

Be thou my vision

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind (Tekst: William Shakespeare)

Candlelight Carol

Child in a manger

Coventry carol (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols)

Donkey Carol

For the beauty of the earth (Tekst: Folliott Sandford Pierpoint)

God be in my head (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

I believe in springtime

I Will Sing with the Spirit

I wonder as I wander (Tekst: John Jacob Niles)

Look at the World

Loving Shepherd of thy sheep

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (in Five Childhood Lyrics) (Tekst: Volkslieder )

Monday's child (in Five Childhood Lyrics) (Tekst: Volkslieder )

Of a Rose, a lovely Rose

Open thou mine eyes (Tekst: Franklin E. Belden)

Personent hodie (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols) (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

Pie Jesu, uit Requiem

Quem pastores laudavere (Tekst: 14de eeuw)

Sans Day Carol

Shepherd's Pipe Carol

Sing a song of sixpence (in Five Childhood Lyrics) (Tekst: Volkslieder )

The Lord bless you and keep you (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

The Owl and the Pussycat (in Five Childhood Lyrics) (Tekst: Edward Lear)

The Peace of God (Tekst: bijbels of andere gewijde tekst)

There is no rose (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols) (Tekst: 15de eeuw)

Thy perfect love

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (in Dancing Day; A cycle of traditional Christmas carols) (Tekst: Volkslieder )

Wexford Carol (Tekst: Volkslieder )

What sweeter music? (Tekst: Robert Herrick)

Windy nights (in Five Childhood Lyrics) (Tekst: Robert Louis Stevenson)

Wings Of The Morning